October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the UK.
Statistics "Fact not Fiction"
Breast cancer is the most common cancer
- 1 woman in 9 will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime
- Each year, more than 50,000 woman and around 350 men are diagnosed with breast cancer
- Nearly 12,500 Women and approximately 70 men die from the disease every year - that is over 1000 women per month
Survival rates More women than ever are surviving breast cancer thanks to better awareness, better screening and better treatments. An estimated five out of six women diagnosed with breast cancer in England and Wales survive for at least five years.
Changes to check for
Lump - may not be seen, but might be felt.
Can you feel a lump?
Either in the breast, upper chest or armpit?
Is there a lumpy area?
Or unusual thickening of the breast tissue
that doesn't go away?
Is there any unusual pain?
Either in part of the breast or the armpit?
Skin texture e.g. dimpling or puckering
Any change in size or shape? For example, one breast might become larger or lower than the other. Any change in colour? E.g. the breast may look red or inflamed. Any change in skin texture? Such as puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast.
Appearance or direction of the nipple
What about the appearance or the direction of the nipple?
E.g. one might become inverted (turned in) when it normally points out.
Nipple discharge
Any unusual discharge?
One or both nipples might have a discharge.
Rash or crusting
Any rash or crusting of the nipple or surrounding area.
It’s as simple as TLC
TOUCH your breasts. Can you feel anything unusual? LOOK for changes. Is there any change in shape or texture? CHECK anything unusual with your doctor.
Love your breasts - be breast aware
Most cases of breast cancer are found by women noticing unusual changes and visiting their doctor to get them checked. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it – so it’s important to be breast aware.
Being breast aware simply means knowing what your breasts look and feel like normally, being on the lookout for any unusual changes and getting them checked out by your doctor.
No one knows your body better than you and everyone will have their own way of touching and looking for changes – there’s no special technique and you don’t need any training.
It’s good to get into the habit of doing this regularly – maybe when you’re in the bath or shower, or while getting dressed in the morning.
Breast cancer in men
Breast cancer in men is rare. Around 350 men are diagnosed with the disease each year in the UK compared with around 50,000 women. However, the earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it, so it’s important to look out for any unusual changes and get them checked by your doctor right away.
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer in men Checking your breast tissue regularly is especially important for men who have a family history of breast cancer or a genetic condition called Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Most breast tissue in men is concentrated in the area directly behind the nipple and the surrounding pigmented area, called the areola. Most – though not all – breast cancers in men appear near the nipple as firm lumps.