Healthy Eating Plan
We understand how dieting can feel so restricting…
We don't want you feel that way,
So we have developed a healthy eating plan, to help you drop a few pounds whilst enjoying a normal delicious food
All without counting Calories
Our plan focuses on a low sugar, balanced approach ensuring you reach your goals without ever feeling hungry or deprived
Our Healthy Eating Plan Principles include
3 meals and 2 snacks a day
Balanced nutrition– including calcium, and good fats.
Portion control using our Handy Hand Guide
2 litres of water (fluid) per day.
Body Measurements- (not just scales.)
Regular exercise as part of your plan.
We understand that portion control can be difficult, and no one wants to mess around with scales and weighing,
If you have a hand then you can understand our portion guide, designed to be simple and portable -
Well you take your hands with you.
Our plan contains hundreds of tested and tried recipes and our nutritionist adds more EVERY MONTH.
It comes with full support both in our classes and On-line.
With weekly motivational talks in class to help keep you focused and on track.
Combined all this with our fun effective exercise classes.