7 Reasons Your Diet Fails


This weeks topic.....7 reasons your diet fails 1 – Eating calorie full foods There are some ingredients that look really healthy, but in actual fact are full of calories;things like pasta sauces or ready meals, and, in particular takeaways ! Not seeing the cooking process means you can’t be sure what is going into that meal. Look for hidden calories in fizzy drinks including flavoured waters.

2 - Under estimating your intake When you are looking at what you have eaten for the day, it can be very easy to overlook or underestimate what you have eaten.This is easily done if you are uncertain of the content of certain foods and  if you are eating on the go and not paying as much attention as you should, you can easily over do it and eat more than you need.

3 - Not burning off enough energy A key part of any healthy lifestyle is exercise – even if it’s a gentle walk. Exercise will burn energy and calories meaning that your food is used as fuel for your body. Exercise will also help you sleep,another important factor in remaining healthy and actually losing sleep is another factor in why you can’t lose weight.

4 - Making your diet too strict Setting unrealistic goals will never help you succeed with a diet change. If you really love cheese or chocolate, cutting these out totally can result in bingeing. It is about maintaining a healthy attitude towards what you enjoy, and eating those foods in moderation ,that is the key. It will give you the boost you need to stick to the plan whilst allowing you to indulge and not feel restricted.

5 - Poor timing of meals We all have busy lifestyles and things to do and this can result in grabbing on the go, eating late, or skipping meals at certain times of the day. Eating late can encourage the body to store calories as fat and not burn them as energy as you would do during the day, when you are active, exercising  or simply getting on with the housework.

6 - Looking at it as a fix not a lifestyle Quick fixes and fads are just not sustainable and are always temporary measures. Instead if you start on a plan which is easy to maintain that can become part of your daily lifestyle without becoming over whelming, you are more likely to succeed, Simply adding more fruit or veg into what you are cooking is a simple step that will see a positive impact.

7 - Boredom It can be too easy to reach for a snack in the evening whilst watching  TV, or in the afternoon when you feel your energy slumping. These little bits during the day can really de rail your plans.Snacking isn’t bad; just make sure you have the right snack and planned ones to hand. Fruits, nuts, and veggie sticks will all give you a boost without adding unnecessary sugar and fats.

BlogClaire Edwards